Colour Therapy and Access Bars & Body Process Training Academy

Look at the colour wheel. Which colour pops out for you?

Click on the colour and find out how it can support you today.

GREEN: Path of the Heart TURQUOISE: Emotional Path BLUE: Path of Trust INDIGO: Intuitive Path VIOLET: Spirituality Path MAGENTA: Path of the Master RED: Path of Manifestation CORAL: Path of Compassion ORANGE: Path of Courage GOLD: Path of Balance YELLOW: Path of Power OLIVE: Healing Path Pearl: Path of Light Pink: Path of Love Pink: Path of Love Pink: Path of Love

Gaze at the chart and see which colour you are attracted to, then click on the colour.

I am sure you will resonate with the message.  To invite balance, please use one of the suggested oils or sprays.

Which product to use

The Light Matrix oils are 100% natural and they REFLECT colour and light –  their light energy shows a willingness to release all old baggage, so you can literally fly into a new reality.  Each colour has specific emotions linked to the colour which are the underlying cause of our physical disharmony.  Using them invites balance and starts the process of release.  The effects last for 8 hours.

The Angels of Transformation’ – SPRAYS invite a lighter, and gentler energetic support. They are brilliant for Auric clearing and balancing as well as for Space Clearing.  Spray them gently around the body or the room and they instantly dispel any lower or negative vibration and raise the energy.  They work beautifully hand in hand with the oils and the effects last for 3 – 4 hours.

The ‘Oils of Illumination’  invite the supportive energy of the Angels.  Use these oils when you require additional support in your life,  and they will help you to connect with them more consciously.
