Colour Therapy and Access Bars & Body Process Training Academy



Abuse Orange and blue oils Blue helps to establish boundaries while the orange seals and heals the aura after the abuse. Rub blue around the neck and on the face twice a day, and orange down left side of the body every morning until the bottle is finished.
Abusive Pink oil Opens your heart to loving yourself and others. Rub around the heart chakra twice a day
Aches & pains Blue oil This oil eases inflammation and speeds up the healing process. Rub onto affected area 2 – 3 times a day until it eases
Acne Yellow oil and Angel of Enlightenment spray Love and accept yourself exactly as you are. Rub the Yellow oil around the solar plexus twice a day. Use yellow spray as a toner after cleansing the face, twice a day
Addictions Gold oil and orange oil Accepting and enjoying life as it is. Gold oil helps to under-stand what you don’t want to face – rub around sacral twice a day. Orange oil seals the aura and removes entity attachments – use all over the body or in the bath every morning until bottle is finished (may need more than 1 bottle)
Aggression Angelic wings of love spray and blue oil Find positive ways of letting off steam. Use the spray over auric field often during the day. Blue oil around throat and neck twice a day, use both before any confrontation.
Aids Olive oil Learn to love the space you are in. Use the coloured Olive oil twice a day all around the heart chakra.
Allergies Olive oil Avoid people that annoy you. Rub the chosen oil around the chest and on neck and face.
Alzheimer’s Violet oil Take back your power and love life. Rub on face twice a day
Anemia Red oil Discover the passion for life again. Use oil all over body or in the bath every morning
Anger Red oil Write anger letters, punch a pillow or play squash. Use red oil on legs or in bath every morning.
Ankles Red oil Trust that you are supported. Rub oil on ankles every morning
Anorexia Yellow oil Learn self love and acceptance. Rub around solar plexus twice a day. Can be used in the bath as well
Anxiety Yellow oil Make time for fun in your life. Rub around solar plexus twice a day. Can be used in the bath as well
Apathy Red oil Find your passion and go for it. Rubbing red oil on legs every morning with give you an energy boost
Arms Green oil Use your creativity productively. Rub onto arms twice a day
Arthritis Blue oil Let go of criticism and resentment. Rub oil onto affected area as often as needed.  This oil eases inflammation.
Asthma Olive coloured oil Opens the lungs and helps you to breathe. Rub right around chest area as often as needed (at least twice a day)
Athlete’s foot Blue oil Move forward with confidence. Rub on feet twice a day
Back Blue oil Know that that you deserve support. Rubbing it onto back twice a day will ease general tension
“ lower Orange oil Believe you are financially abundant. Rub orange around hips every morning inviting support
“ middle Yellow oil Lets go of the past and builds your confidence. Rub around middle of body twice a day
“ upper Green oil Accept emotional support and let go of past hurts and rejection, Rub around upper back and chest twice a day
Bedwetting Orange oil Love and acceptance – no fear. Rub around sacral area twice a day
Bites Blue oil Let go of victim consciousness. Rub onto area as often as needed to ease the itchiness
Bladder Yellow or gold oils Who is peeing you off? Rub around sacral area twice a day
Blisters Blue oil Protect yourself. Rub onto affected area at least twice a day
Blood pressure low Red oil Self acceptance (rejected in childhood). Rub onto legs every morning
Blood pressure high Blue or green oil Let go of unresolved emotional pain and invite relaxation. Rub onto heart area twice a day
Boils Blue oil Do constructive anger release work. Rub onto affected area twice a day -= it brings the boil to the surface within a week so that it can be released
Bowel problems Orange oil Stop holding onto the past. Rub around hip area and massage lower tummy twice a day
Brain Violet oil Balances both sides of the brain and a spiritual connection. Rub onto forehead twice a day
Breasts Green oil Nurture and love yourself. Rub around heart chakra twice a day
Breathing Olive oil Enjoy the breath of life. Rub around heart chakra 2 – 3 times a day
Bronchitis Olive oil – coloured Opens the chest, helps you to breathe and supports the immune system. Rub right around the chest area (front and back) 2 – 3 times a day
Bruises Blue oil Be kind and gently with yourself. Rub onto affected area twice a day
Burns Ice then blue oil What is burning you up? Let go. For mild burns, rub onto burn immediately and then once or twice the following day.
Cancer Relate to chakra colour What is eating you up inside? Deep hurt and anger issues. Rub around the chakra twice a day
Candida Orange oil Believe that you deserve to be loved. Rub around sacral area twice a day
Cellulite Pink oil Let go of the life knocks you have had. See the gift in them rather than dwelling on them. Lymph massage using oil onto affected area daily
Circulation Red oil Find your passion and release anger. Massage onto legs every morning
Co-dependency Orange oil Focus on anything creative. Use oil in bath every morning
Cold sores Blue oil What is eating at you – voice it. Rub onto affected area twice a day
Colds Blue and Olive oils Detox with grace – take time out, rest. Rub blue onto throat and neck and olive around the heart chakra twice a day
Colic Yellow oil Child takes on the parent’s stress. Gently rub a tiny amount on tummy when needed.
Coma Red oil Not wanting to face life. Rub red oil onto feet regularly
Confusion Yellow oil Stop focusing on it – find your joy. Rub oil around solar plexus twice a day
Constipation Orange oil What are you not letting go of. Massage oil into lower tummy daily
Coughs Olive coloured oil Need to speak up and be heard. Rub right around chest area twice a day
Courage Orange oil Know that you deserve the best. Rub around hip area daily
Cramps Blue oil Fear – what are you holding onto? Rub onto affected area when needed
Croup Olive oil Need to space and to be heard. Rub onto chest area regulary when needed
Crying Coral or blue oil Tears are cleansing and healing. Use coral if over sensitive, blue to give strength when needed
Cuts Blue oil Do you feel you need to be punished? Use blue oil on affected regularly
Cyst Blue oil Stop holding onto past hurts, use blue oil twice a day
Cystitis Gold or yellow oil Who is irritating you in life? Rub oil around hip area twice a day
Depression Violet oil Spend time doing things that brings joy. Rub oil onto forehead twice a day
Diabetes Yellow oil Restore the sweetness in your life. Rub oil around solar plexus area twice a day
Diarrhea Orange oil Need to purge and let go of fear. Rub oil around hip area twice a day until it stops.
Dying/transition Blue and violet oils Brings peace and supports grief. Blue oil for a peaceful transition rub around neck area. Violet stroked gently onto forehead to connect to the other side
Dyslexia Yellow oil Use yellow paper to write on, and yellow transparency over text when reading. Yellow oil around solar plexus eases the stress and fear of not being good enough
Ears Indigo oil Left ear – trust your intuition. Right ear – what is it you don’t want to hear? Rub oil on face – around the ear
Eczema Yellow oil and Angel of Enlightenment spray Mental and emotional rejection of self. Learn to love and accept yourself fully. Rub the Yellow oil around the solar plexus twice a day. Use yellow spray on affected area after cleansing the skin, twice a day
Emphysema Olive coloured oil Opens the lungs, helps you to breath. Supports immune system. Rub around heart chakra 2 – 3 times a day
Endometriosis Coral oil Let go of blame and self rejection. Rub around hip area twice a day
Epilepsy Violet and red oils Learn to be happy to be in your body. Rub oil onto the legs and ask them to keep repeating their name while fitting.
Fat Pink oil, Yellow oil Pink – to stop judging yourself & love yourself. Yellow – For self acceptance and self confidence. Use whichever of these you choose twice a day and be kind to yourself
Fatigue Red oil Find something that excites you. Rub red oil on legs in the morning
Fearful Yellow oil Stop obsessing – have fun. Use oil around solar plexus when needed
Feet Red oil Trust that your path will be guided. Rub red oil on feet and legs in the morning
Fever Blue oil Look at what is burning you up inside. Blue oil on face and neck as often as needed
Fever blisters Blue oil What is eating at you – voice it. Use oil on blister twice a day
Flu Blue and Olive oils Time to detox – take time out and rest Rub blue onto throat and neck and olive around the heart chakra twice a day.
Fluid retention Pearl or turquoise oils Need to let go of suppressed emotions. Rub either oil anywhere on the body twice a day. Lymph massage
Fractures Blue oil Look at where you are not supported. Rub onto fracture as often as needed (2 – 3 x day)
Frigidity Red oil Stop mentally withdrawing. Rub oil on legs and lower hips
Frustration Pink oil Learn to be more patient. Rub pink oil on heart area twice a day
Glands Blue oil Be more creative. Rub oil on swollen area twice a day
Gout Blue oil Let go of resentments. Rub oil on affected area twice a day
Grief Violet oil Find the passion in life again. Rub oil on face twice a day
Growths Blue oil Learn to forgive and let go. Rub oil on affected area twice a day
Hay fever Indigo oil Release all that emotional congestion. Rub oil on face twice a day (avoid eye area)
Headaches Blue, indigo or violet oils Stop criticizing yourself and others. If headache starts in the neck use blue, if from chin to eyebrows – use indigo. Top of head use violet
Heart-ache Green oil Let go and forgive yourself and others. Rub oil all around the heart chakra twice a day
Heart ailments Green oil Believe that you deserve love. Rub oil all around the heart chakra twice a day
Heartburn Blue oil Fear is coming up to be released. Rub on neck and chest when needed
Hemorrhoids Blue oil Anger needs to be released. Rub oil on hemorrhoids twice a day
Hips Orange oil Ask for and allow support from others. Rub oil around hip area twice a day
Hyperactivity Blue oil Frantic – Slow down and be calm. Blue oil on face and neck twice a day
Hyperventilation Olive oil Stop resisting change. Rub around heart area twice a day
Incontinence Orange oil Stop trying to control your emotions, they need to be released. Rub oil around hips twice a day
Indigestion Yellow oil Let go of fear and anxiety. Believe that life is there for you to enjoy. Rub yellow oil around solar plexus twice a day.
Infection Blue oil Who or what is irritating you and what is eating at you? Focus on the positive rather than negative. Rub oil on area as needed (at least twice a day)
Inflammation Blue oil Calm your thinking. Let go of anger. Rub oil on area when needed
Injuries Blue oil Stop feeling like a victim in life. Believe you are divinely protected at all times. Rub onto injury as often as needed (2 – 3 x day)
Insomnia Blue oil Stop worrying, and constantly over analyzing everything. Rub blue oil on face at night
Intuition – blocked Indigo oil Trust yourself and your inner guidance. Rub oil on forehead
Joints Blue oil Stop resisting change and movement. Learn to flow with life. Rub blue oil on joints twice a day
Kidneys Gold oil Let go of disappointments. Rub oil around middle of body twice a day
Knee pain Blue oil Time to heal the heart & be flexible. Rub oil on knees 2 – 3 x day
Lungs Olive oil Enjoy life. Rub oil right around heart area twice a day
Menopause Orange oil Love your body and flow with changes. Rub oil around hips twice a day
Menstrual pain Blue oil Stop rejecting yourself. Rub oil around hip area 2 – 3 x day
Migraines Blue, indigo, violet or magenta oils Feeling pressured and stressed. Pushing yourself too much. Where does it start? If in the neck use blue, if from chin to eyebrows – use indigo. Top of head use violet . Must use at first onset of pain
Miscarriage Coral oil Trust the soul only needed a short time to complete it’s journey. You chose to do this together – love yourself. Rub coral oil around hip area.
Multiple sclerosis Blue oil Are you resistant and inflexible? Use blue oil in a warm bath or rub onto affected area twice a day
Muscle strain Blue oil Move easily through life and don’t resist change. Rub onto affected area until relief.
Nausea Yellow oil What is bringing up fear for you? Rub around tummy area
Neck Blue oil Need to be more flexible and to see all sides. Rub oil around neck twice a day until easier
Nervousness Yellow or blue oils You are too stressed take time out. Use yellow oil around solar plexus for stress, and blue on face and neck to invite calmness and peace
Operations Orange (down left side of body) and blue oil near cut Seal and repair your aura with orange. Help the healing process with blue. Orange every morning, and blue around bandage until removed – then onto sealed wound daily
Osteoporosis Blue oil Find more external support in life. Use blue oil in a warm bath or rub onto affected area 2 – 3 a day
Overweight Pink and yellow oils Stop suppressing your feelings, and learn to love yourself (see Fat)
Overworked Yellow oil Time for fun and enjoyment in life. Use yellow oil around middle of body twice a day.
Pain Blue oil Are you punishing yourself? Rub blue oil on pain area 2 – 3 times a day
Pancreas Gold oil Find the sweetness in life. Rub gold oil around middle of body twice a day
Parkinson’s Indigo oil Stop trying to control everyone/thing. Rub oil on forehead and temples twice a day
Phobias Gold oil Try not to obsess about it. Rub oil around hip area 2 x day
Pneumonia Olive oil Your body is forcing you to rest – do it. Rub Olive oil on chest, neck and face 2 – 3 times a day
Post nasal drip Indigo oil Do you feel like a victim? – inner crying, Rub oil on face twice a day
Poverty Red oil or earth angel spray Stop getting hooked into what society says – believe you deserve and already have abundance. Use the red oil on your legs every morning. Spray Earth angel spray onto documents/diary/quotes to invite flow
PMS Blue oil Take back your power. Run blue oil on face and around hip area twice a day.
Procrastination Gold oil Stop putting things off – do it NOW. Rub oil around hip area twice a day and look for things to be grateful for
Prostate Red oil Take charge of your life, rub oil on top of thighs every morning
Protection Angel of Illumination spray Know that only light may enter your space. Invite the angelic support. Spray regularly around your body or space when needed
Pregnancy – support during Blue and pink oils Blue on sides of tummy – brings male support. Pink in centre – brings loving feminine balance 2 x day
Pregnancy – difficulty falling pregnant Coral oil Love and nurture yourself so you can do the same for another being. Rub oil around sacral area 2 x day
Rash Yellow oil Stop rejecting yourself. Rub oil around solar plexus 2 x day
Rejection Green and pink oil Believe that you deserve to be loved, Green heals the heart, pink invites self love. Use either around heart chakra 2 x day
Resentful Pink oil Focus on self love only. Rub oil around heart area 2 x day
Respiratory Olive oil Enjoy the breath of life. Rub oil around lung area 2-3 x day
Rheumatoid arthritis Blue oil Suppressed by authority? Move on. Rub on affected area regularly ( at least 2 x day)
Scaring Coral oil Love yourself while applying the oil. Rub on scar regularly
Sciatica Red and blue oils Stop fearing the future. Rub red oil on legs in the morning and blue at night
Shingles Coral and blue oils Learn to flow easily with life. Rub either oil onto affected area regularly
Shock and/or trauma Orange oil Repair aura by using orange oil down left and side of body or in the bath every morning until finished
Sinus Indigo oil Be aware of who is irritating you. Rub on face 2 x day
Skin problems Yellow oil Are you too sensitive? Rub around solar plexus 2 x day
Skin – face Angel of Enlightenment spray Wraps you in joy and builds confidence for the day. Spray onto your face after cleansing & toning and before day cream
Solar plexus Yellow oil Builds your self confidence and power. Rub oil around solar plexus 2 x day
Sore throat Blue oil Stop being a non-confrontist – helps you to speak your truth quietly & calmly. Rub around throat and neck 2 x day
Space clearing Angel of illumination spray plus gold Angel of Ascension spray Brings the light in very quickly – dispelling negativity. The gold spray is fantastic for clearing entities. Spray either or both around the space or person regularly
Spastic colon Orange oil Are you feeling fearful and insecure? Rub oil around sacral area 2 x day
Speaking up Blue oil Helps you to express yourself calmly. Rub oil all around neck when needed
Spine (See back) trust that you are supported
Spiritual disconnection Magenta oil or Gateway to the Divine – magenta spray Opens your soul connection to the divine. Rub around hairline and onto forehead when meditating or connecting
Spleen Gold oil Stop obsessing. Rub oil around middle of body 2 x day
Sprains Blue oil Are you resisting new direction? Rub onto affected area 2-3 x day
Stiff neck Blue oil Note your inflexibility about something. Rub oil around neck and top of shoulders 2 x day
Stiffness Blue oil Learn to be more flexible in life. Rub oil onto affected area 2-3 x day
Stomach Yellow oil Assimilate new ideas. Rub all around solar plexus 2 x day
Stretch marks Coral oil Love yourself and release scars of life. Rub onto affected area daily
Stress Yellow oil Take time out and have fun. Rub oil around middle of body 2 x day
Stuttering Blue oil Build confidence to speak your truth. Rub around throat and neck 2 x day
Surgery Orange and blue oils (see operations)
Suicidal Violet oil Focus on what brings you joy. Use oil on face or forehead 2 x day
Swelling Blue oil Where are you stuck in life? Rub onto affected area 2 x day
Technophobia Turquoise oil and spray Need to release emotional blockages. Rub oil onto heart chakra 2 x day. Spray around yourself and computer regularly
Time management Magenta oil You have the ability to stretch time. Rub oil onto forehead when needed
Throat Blue oil Need to calmly speak your truth. Rub around throat and neck 2 x day
Thrush Orange oil Trust yourself and your decisions. Rub oil around sacral chakra 2 x day
Thymus Turquoise oil Feel protected and secure. Rub oil around heart chakra 2 x day
Thyroid Blue oil Make time for yourself – self expression. Rub oil onto throat area 2 x day
Tonsillitis Blue oil Stop suppressing emotions and voice your truth. Rub around throat and neck 2 x day
Ulcers Yellow oil Stop stressing and make time for fun. Rub oil around middle of body 2 x day
Unemotional/distant Turquoise oil Have the courage to explore & release past hurts and emotional trauma. Rub oil around heart area 2 x day
Unconditional love Pink oil or Angelic wings of Love spray Love yourself exactly as you are and you will attract love from others. Rub oil around heart area 2 x day, spray regularly
Urinary infection Yellow or gold oil Let go of irritation and anger. Rub oil around middle of body 2 x day
Varicose veins Red or blue oil Red in the morning to boost energy and release anger. Blue in the evening to ease the legs
Victim consciousness Coral oil Learn to put yourself first rather than last in line. Honour and love yourself. Use oil around heart area 2 x day
Vomiting Yellow oil Change what you can’t stomach in your life. Rub oil around middle of body 2 x day
Warts Blue oil Calmly release bottles anger and resentment. Rub onto affected area 2 x day
Wisdom teeth removed Blue oil on jaw-line reduces swelling Allow yourself space to think and grow. Rub oil onto jaw from 2 days before removal and continue for 1 week thereafter
Wounds Blue oil Assists the healing process. Rub oil onto affected area 2 x day
