Really?? Absolutely! Why not? We can do it to our computers, why not our brain? Our brains have been compared to computers, right? But what would it take? What would that look like exactly? Would it hurt? Is there a magic “button” somewhere on my head that I can push?...
Can you believe that it is already almost the end of the year and the season for giving? The Season for giving is upon us. Have you started your gift shopping and wrapping? I haven’t. Nor can I get my head around it. How did the year fly past so quickly? Come...
Living life with passion and purpose has its challenges. A week ago I felt the energy shift for the first time in over a year. Before that, it was like trying to navigate through a swamp at night with no headlights and no map. Did you feel the same? I kept berating...
How have you all been doing the past few months with all the magic in the air? The energy has been very intense since our last chat. There have been many have had extreme highs and lows. Sometimes all in one day. One thing I have become very aware of. iIs how quickly...
Finding my joy has been very challenging this month, even with color therapy at hand life can have its challenges My 92-year-old aunt has been on death’s doorstep off and on for the past 2 years. Each time she gets really ill and debilitated. She bounces back...
Healing from the past is essential if we are to awaken to 5th-dimensional consciousness. A New Year is a perfect time to let go of old habits in order to be free of negativity. To open the door to the new one must let go of the past. Uncovering your story Awakening to...