Positive Attributes:
You have a strong soul connection to God and the Divine. You know that you are divinely-guided and that every step you take is part of a bigger plan. You are connected to the earth and every living thing on the earth. You have strong intuitive and healing abilities.
You are able to manage time and try never to be late or miss deadlines. You have a deep sense of what is right, with honesty and integrity being most important to you.
Because of your religious indoctrination and the conflicting ideas that are prevalent at present, there may be some confusion as to what and who God is. You may even feel a disconnection from God at the moment. Using this oil will help to open you up to your own personal truth, without following another. It heals victim status and invokes loyalty to your path. – not becoming arrogant with ego.
You may have difficulty managing time, not getting through your work or being on time. Time seems to be shortening so much and you can’t cope. Using the oil on the temples stretches time and help you to complete tasks. It also helps you to manage your energy levels.
You worry about things you can’t control like the abuse of power, the destruction of the rain forests and ozone etc. The message is that you need to put as much energy into the small things you do, which takes the focus off the things that you cannot control. This way we stop giving energy to the disasters and they will eventually stop happening.
(The challenges can be turned into positive attributes by using the oil – it is highly recommended that you begin your healing journey by using one of the products below)
Which product to use?
There are many possible paths you can choose to find wholeness. This depends on where you are at, and which resonates the most with you. Using the oil on the body or in the bath twice a day, every day will help unlock the deep emotional imbalance so that it can be released. This will then positively affects your physical wellbeing. The Angel spray raises the vibration around you and in the space – but does not address the deeper issues. Choose which one would best suit you below.
Light Matrix oil – Magenta
This oil holds an expression of Divine Love and a connection to the Angelic Realms.
Great for opening your perception and intuition and strengthens your connection to soul.
It has a strong connection to Merlin and invites miracles into your life.
It helps to stretch and manage time.
This oil enhances one’s natural intelligence and awakens self-devotion.
Re-energizes after debilitating, draining illness.
Helps integration of heaven and earth.
Connects you to your own personal understanding of spirituality and the divine.
Opens perception, intuition and healing abilities.
Detaches from judgement.
Teaches you to put loving energy and gratitude into every smallest action or thought.
Use it twice a day rubbed on the face or as a bath oil.
Gateway to the Divine – Angel Spray
Connects to the divine feminine energy of Mary Magdalene and opens the door to spirit.
It is a bridge directly from the Divine to the heart chakra, bringing healing through unconditional love.
This essence helps you to believe in the goodness of people and allow yourself to receive support from humans and the higher realms.
It keeps you grounded in times of spiritual expansion.
Helps with stress of city living and disorientation or lack of personal space.
Spray regularly around the room or your body – the effects last for 2 – 3 hours.
If you would like to integrate the divine feminine and divine masculine energies then spray this essence down the left hand side of your body with the Gold – Angel of Ascension on the right.
Oil of Illumination – Merlin
Merlin was known as a powerful mystic and magician in the times of King Arthur, and can still be called upon for guidance in this field.
If you have a sincere desire to learn the secrets of alchemy, divine magic or manifestation skills that are to be used in spiritual service, he willingly shares his knowledge with those whose hearts are loving and pure.
He brings insight into energy work and healing as well as shape shifting or time warping.
use daily anywhere on the body or in the bath.